Trauma Psychology News

Summer 2024 | Vol. 19, Issue 2


Cover art: Crazy Horse by Liza Haldane, Nisga’a Nation

5 | Editorial Note

6 | President’s Column

8 | Feature Series: Storytelling To Support Children’s Recovery From Disasters

10 | Who’s Who: Dorothy Chin, PhD

12 | International: Refugee Mental Health Resource Network & International Committee Update

14 | Military & Veterans: Women Veterans: Reintegration Into The Civilian Workforce After Military Discharge

18 | Multicultural & Diversity: Navigating Adverse Childhood Experiences, Alcohol Use, & Mental Health In Hispanic Young Adults

26 | Announcements: ISSTD’s Research Special Interest Group Webinar

28 | Students: The Role of Attachment In Trauma Treatment

32 | Emerging Career Professionals

33 | Fellows

34 | Book Reviews, Media, Resources, & More

40 | End Matter

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