Fellow status in APA is awarded in recognition of unusual and outstanding contributions to the field of psychology. Such contributions may be to science, practice, policy, or leadership. Fellow status in Division 56 is awarded to members of the Division who have made this kind of valuable contribution to the field of trauma psychology.
Persons seeking initial Fellow status in APA through Division 56 should contact the Fellows Chair, Charles Figley, Ph.D., charlesfigley@gmail.com for detailed instructions as to the process. Members of Division 56 who are already Fellows of APA should also contact the Fellows Chair for instructions about becoming a Fellow of the Division.
Current Fellows of the Division who have their own websites are strongly encouraged to send the url to the Web Editor so that we may include that information in the list of Division Fellows below.
Division 56 Fellows
- Norman Abeles
- Daniel Abrahamson
- Rosalie Ackerman
- Kenneth Adams
- Judith Alpert
- Norman Anderson
- Nancy L. Baker
- David Baldwin
- Lawrence Balter
- Martha Estina Banks
- Laura Barbanel
- J. Gayle Beck
- Judith Becker
- Andrew Benjamin
- Joseph Boscarino
- Philip Bromberg
- Kathleen Sitley Brown
- Laura S. Brown
- Steven Bucky
- Lester Butt
- John Caffaro
- Elizabeth Carll
- Diane Castillo
- Armand Cerbone
- Scott Churchill
- Marylene Cloitre
- Lillian Comas-Diaz
- Joan Cook
- Christine Courtois
- Priscilla Dass-Brailsford
- Paul Dell
- Irene Dietch
- Thomas DeMaria
- Florence Denmark
- Mary Dutton
- Joel Dvoskin
- Alan Entin
- George Everly
- Irit Felsen
- Charles Figley
- Iris Fodor
- Julian Ford
- A. Steven Frankel
- Jennifer J. Freyd
- Richard Gartner
- Robert Geffner
- Steven N. Gold
- Gail S. Goodman
- Gloria Behar Gottsegen
- Bonnie Green
- Beverly Greene
- Ricky Greenwald
- Frances Kaplan Grossman
- Suzy Bird Gulliver
- James David Guy Jr.
- Douglas C. Haldeman
- Raymond Hanbury
- Mary Harvey
- Michele Harway
- Stevan E. Hobfoll
- Arthur MacNeill Horton Jr
- Leon Hyer
- Gerard A. Jacobs
- Joseph Juhasz
- Ani Kalayjian
- Bertram Karon
- Ellyn Kaschak
- Terence Keane
- Kathleen Kendall-Tackett
- Patrica Kerig
- Robert Kerns
- Dean G. Kilpatrick
- David Kolko
- Arthur Kovacs
- Ronald Levant
- John Linton
- Leland Lipp
- Lewis Lipsitt
- Don-David Lusterman
- John Lutzker
- Kathleen Malley-Morrison
- Sylvia Marotta
- Brian Marx
- James McCarthy
- Gina McGlinchey
- Wilbert J. McKeachie
- Candice Monson
- Sandra Morissette
- Elana Newman
- Edmund J.Nightingale
- Barbara Niles
- Alexander Rodney Nurse
- James M. O'Neil
- Judith Patterson
- Laurie Pearlman
- Walter Erich Penk
- Lisa Porche-Burke
- Natalie Porter
- Kathryn Quina
- Carole A. Rayburn
- Patricia A. Resick
- Jaquelyn Liss Resnick
- Lisa Rocchio
- Barbara O. Rothbaum
- Karen Saakvitne
- Marilyn Safir
- Philip A. Saigh
- Paula Schnurr
- Ilene Serlin
- David L. Shapiro
- Nancy Sidun
- Roxane Cohen Silver
- Denise Sloan
- Paul Slovic
- Gargi Roysircar-Sodowsky
- Robert D. Stolorow
- Steven Taylor
- Richard Tedeschi
- Nina K. Thomas
- Sarah Ullman
- Melba J.T. Vasquez
- Thomas John Vaughn
- Lenore E A. Walker
- Jacquelyn White
- Jack G. Wiggins Jr.
- David Allen Wolfe
- Gail Elizabeth Wyatt