Joining - It's Easy
You can join division 56 right now via APA's on-line system.
Dues, which include a subscription to the Division's journal, are 50.00 for APA Members, Fellows, and Associates, 50.00 for Early Career Psychologists (seven years post-award of doctorate) and 10.00 for Students (student dues do not include journal).
Should someone choose to join or renew membership in Division 56 but not in APA, you may do so. If you are still a current member of APA, you will first need to resign your APA membership by emailing Then, to renew your DIvision 56 only membership, you can call 202-336-6013 and inform them you would like to renew your Division 56 membership alone. Membership dues will be 50.00 and you can pay by credit card. Please note that in order to be a Fellow of Division 56, you must be an APA member.
Why join Division 56?
The larger our membership, the greater our clout in APA. With more members we can get more Convention program hours, more seats on APA Council, and a stronger voice in everything APA does relating to trauma.
- If you do research on any aspect of traumatic stress, join to further develop the growth of the scientific basis of the field and to meet other professionals working in trauma psychology.
- If you work with survivors of trauma, join to become part of the conversation about treatment and research on intervention, and to meet other professionals working in trauma psychology.
- If you teach a course on trauma, join to meet colleagues and develop and learn the cutting-edge research and literature.
- If you work on trauma related public policy, join to make sure the expertise of trauma experts are brought to bear on the tough issues APA takes on.
Current member benefits
- Members keep up-to-date on the latest developments in trauma psychology.
- E-newsletters with timely information on traumatic stress delivered directly to your in-box.
- Member-only listserv provides on-going communication with other members and breaking news of trauma-related developments in APA.
- Voting privileges to elect representatives and participation in the Division's annual meetings.
- Eligibility to run for office, chair, and serve on Division committees and task forces.
- All members receive the divisional journal, Trauma Psychology: Theory, Research, Practice, Policy at the member rate of 20.00 per year. You do not need to separately subcribe to receive this journal; just be sure that your dues and paid, and your mailing address is up to date.
- 30% discounts on Taylor & Francis journals in the field of trauma:
To receive these discounts, please contact Taylor & Francis directly at 1-800-429-6784 (607-722-5857 outside US/Canada) or order on-line and provide the code # TPD20 to receive your 30% Division 56 member discount.