Traumatic loss strips the world of substance and solidity “I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER,” a lover proclaims to a beloved. Love thereby transforms the beloved into a metaphysical entity, replacing the finitude and impermanence of existence with the illusion of eternity. When a beloved dies, not only is the relationship lost; the metaphysical illusion of…
READ MOREDeborah A. Stiles There are no words. I am a white woman who is a professor and psychologist; I suffered a traumatic loss in 2022 when my 34-year-old African American foster daughter was murdered. Although we were not biologically related, I was her mother, and she was my daughter; I deeply cherished and depended upon…
READ MORETransforming crises into fresh beginningsNaji Abi-Hashem Naji Abi-Hashem, PhD, MDiv, MA, DAAETS, is a clinical and cultural psychologist, public speaker, author, visiting professor, cross-cultural worker, consultant, ordained minister, and caregiver at large. He is a Lebanese American who is involved in international service, teaching-training, humanitarian aid, speaking, counseling, editing/writing, publishing, volunteering, global network consultation, pastoral…