Listservs are one of the primary methods for keeping our members informed of important division information. All members are automatically signed up for the announcement listserv; however, all others require you to sign up to receive the information. Please click on any of the links below to become a member of a particular listserv.
- Announcement Listserv - Used for official division business, such as sending out the newsletter or calls for nominations.
- Child Trauma Listserv - For those interested in how traumatic experiences effect a child's development, as well as effective treatment and assessment options.
- Dissociation Listserv - Provides members information about the latest developments in dissociation research and treatment.
- Early Career Psychologist Networking Listserv - A list specifically for our ECP members, which focuses on relevant convention and division business for those in the first seven years of their career.
- Executive Committee Leadership Forum - This list is for Division 56 leadership, and is not open to the general membership.
- Member Listserv - This list allows members to post information, referrals, or request resources from others within the division.
- Student Forum Listserv - The place for students who are interested in trauma research or practice to gain information about Division 56 activities and opportunities to get involved.
The website offers rich resources about trauma psychology for Division 56 members, including audio recordings of our featured convention symposia, and electronic copies of the division's newsletter.
The Division 56 research networking wiki is an interactive site that allows trauma researchers and those with resources for conducting research projects a setting that facilitates exchange and communication. You will need a free Google account to sign in to this collaborative resource.
Journal Videos
The Division's Journal, Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, publishes empirical research on the psychological effects of trauma. The journal is intended to be a forum for an interdisciplinary discussion on trauma, blending science, theory, practice, and policy. In the interest of knowledge translation,
Dr. Paul Frewen, one of the journal's associate editors, and his students at Western University, have been summarizing many of the articles published in the journal year by year in the form of brief (5 minute) videos; these videos are freely available online.