Trauma Psychology News

Fall/Winter 2023 | Vol. 18, Issue 3


Cover art: Sunrising Over Frozen Gitchi-Gamai by Elizabeth K. Lee

5 | Editorial Note

6 | President’s Column

10 | Feature: Emotional trauma and the fragilification of being

12 | Who’s Who: Jessica Punzo, PsyD

14 | International: Refugee Mental Health Resource Network & International Committee Updates

16 | Multicultural & Diversity: Religiosity/Spirituality and Well-Being In BIPOC and LGBTQ+ Communities: In Brief

22 | Trauma & Health: Psychopathology Following Traumatic Injury

25 | Announcements: Deep Brain Reorienting

26 | Students: Double Trauma: Post-Migration Living Distress and Refugee Suicidality

30 | Emerging Career: Introducing Our New Elected ECP Representative

31 | Fellows

32 | Posttraumatic Play in Children:What Clinicians Need To Know

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