Issue Archive

Fellows Committee Chair:
Priscilla Dass-Brailsford
Phone: 202-706-5078
Fellow status in APA is given to those who have made unusual and outstanding contributions to the field of trauma psychology. Their distinguished contributions are the foundation on which the future of trauma psychology builds. Fellows make on-going contributions to science, practice, and public policy through activities in this Division and in the field of psychology. Applications for fellow status are coordinated by the Fellows Committee.
There are two types of Fellows applications:
(1) INITIAL FELLOWS. APA members who are not Fellows of any division must meet APA Initial Fellow criteria, apply for Fellow status according to APA procedures, and complete forms via the APA application portal. In addition to meeting APA Fellow criteria, applicants must meet two or more of the specific Division 56 Fellow criteria, listed below.
(2) CURRENT FELLOWS. If you are a current Fellow in another APA division, we ask that you write a letter describing how your work meets the Division 56 Fellow criteria. We also ask for one letter of recommendation from a current Division 56 Fellow (listed on our website) as well as an updated CV.
PLEASE SUBMIT THESE MATERIALS DIRECTLY to Priscilla Dass-Brailsford. We accept these applications on a rolling basis throughout the year. We encourage all who are interested and qualified to apply! Although self-nominations are welcome, if you know of someone who qualifies for Fellow status, please encourage them to apply. If you have any questions or need assistance with the application process, please feel free to contact us directly.
- Being a pioneer in the recognition and application of trauma psychology.
- Made important contributions to the scholarly literature in the field of trauma psychology
- Producing consistently outstanding instructional or training programs that educate the next generation of trauma psychologists or developing important innovations in teaching or education in the field.
- Demonstrating consistently outstanding clinical work with the traumatized as recognized by international or national groups through citations, awards, and other methods of recognition.
- Demonstrating consistently outstanding public service relevant to trauma psychology over many years that might include (a) leadership within Division 56; (b) testimony about trauma psychology before courts and Congressional committees or government commissions; (c) service on review panels (e.g., NIH, NSF); or (d) public education/advocacy.
- Demonstrating leadership in the area of trauma psychology across science, education, policy, and practice internationally and/or nationally.
Division 56 requires that all new Fellow application materials (including three letters of recommendation from APA Fellows, at least one of whom must be a Division 56 Fellow) be submitted through the APA portal by October 1 of each year. This timeframe allows the Fellows committee to review all materials, make a recommendation, and forward completed application materials to APA in time to meet their deadline.
Fellows Committee Members: Charles Figley, Bonnie Green, & Melba Vasquez