Issue Archive
Fall 2022 | Vol. 17, Issue 3
Cover Art: Exuberance by Irit Felsen
5 | Editorial Column
6 | President’s Column
10 | Feature: Toward Finding Solid Ground: An Innovative Study for the Treatment of Dissociation & Training of Clinicians
16 | Who’s Who: Ursula Myers, PhD
20 | International: Refugee Mental Health Resource Network | Travel Stipend Awards & Student Attendees
24 | Military & Veterans: Positive Psychology Approach to Improve Health, Rehabilitation, & Education outcomes in Veterans in Higher Education
26 | Multicultural Diversity: Intergenerational & Historical Trauma: In Brief
34 | Trauma & Health: Helping Self & Helping Others: Motivation & Benefits to Participation in Trauma-Related Research
40 | Students: Cultural Trauma and the Role of Therapists
44 | Emerging Career: Chronic Illness & Trauma: Considerations for Diagnosing PTSD
49 | Fellows
50 | Members: Can We Promote Safety after Mass Shootings?
54 | Media Highlight: Traditional Chinese Dance in Working with Trauma
56 | End Matter