Issue Archive
RMHRN and International Committee Updates

Elizabeth Carll
Section Editor; Founder & Chair, Refugee Mental Health Resource Network
Refugee Mental Health Resource Network
The Refugee Mental Health Resource Network (RMHRN) free webinar on Cybersecurity was unique for the RMHRN as it addressed the increasing concerns that have arisen from colleagues being hacked and data lost or stolen, resulting in access to confidential information and passwords, and other negative outcomes. The cybersecurity expert, Tom Bennett, provided participants with a better understanding of what cybersecurity is, what it entails, and discussed the important requirements for working electronically in the mental health field, from personal, organizational, and international viewpoints. Participants were also provided with information about different kinds of security software (anti-malware, VPNs, secure messaging options, etc.) and techniques for securing devices. The webinar is available on the Division 56 website.
Inquiries have continued to arise regarding the availability of university training and degrees relating to immigration and refugees. Initially in 2017 very few, if any, university programs existed. However, gradually more were established. As a result, due to ongoing inquiries and apparent need, a Directory of Advanced University Degrees in Refugee and Migration Studies in United States and International Universities was developed in 2022 and available on the RMHRN website resource page. The 2023 updated version is currently being compiled. It includes both U.S and international universities offering master’s degrees and a few universities offering certificates. A few doctoral programs are being developed. The publication will continue to be updated periodically.
The RMHRN will be presenting a symposium on International Interventions and Research about Trauma Faced by Refugees and Migrants at the 2023 APA Convention in Washington DC. It is scheduled for Thursday, August 3, 2023 at 3:00 pm. Check the convention schedule for room details.
International Committee
The APA Trauma Psychology Division (56) has been providing an annual travel stipend of $1000 for international graduate students, who are citizens of developing countries, to attend the APA Convention. For 2023, there are two stipends of $1000 each to be awarded. The annual stipend is a project of the International Committee with a subcommittee determining the recipient who is enrolled in a graduate psychology program and has a trauma related poster or paper accepted or is a participant in a panel/symposium at the APA Convention. The recipients of the travel stipends will be announced at the 2023 APA Convention in Washington DC at the Division Awards and Social Hour Reception.